Finally made it over to Alcatraz, it only took me slightly more than a decade. It certainly wasn't for lack of interest, I think the timing just never worked out. Suffice to say if you haven't been just pick a random weekday (if possible) and go. The island's had so many phases of history, all filled with their own particular sadness and the park really does a nice job of showing that without depressing the hell out of everything. The audio tour is totally worthwhile and as soon as you put those headphones on its like everyone else just fades away and you all walk around in a dream-like trance, never seeming to notice each other and flowing along like some odd human tide. At present I can't seem to find the words to do it justice so its pictures for you, Rocky. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tourist trap? Sure it should be ten bucks and you shouldn't have to wait a week to get there, but I still say its worth the effort. Pick a nice cold, foggy day and go in the morning so you get back just in time for a martini and a bowl of mussels at Tadich or something similarly Hitchcock-y and appropriate.