Spent an an evening a while back tied to a rickety launch ramp in Alameda. Not a terribly exciting story, but we got to neighbor with a neat old houseboat that appeared to have been abandoned at the dock and was very slowly going under.
People were already hanging out inside and chilling out on its porch. Wish its engines still worked, it was really pretty sweet. I mean aside from the fact that it was sinking.
Night time came on and we cozied in for an evening of illegal mooring.
Drank some wine and listened to people catch fish from the houseboat dock until late into the night. Felt like we were on the bayou, except for the cold.
Boat's in the water? Finally spent our first night on the boat, though the conditions were a bit odd. More excitement's happened since then, with pictures to come. As for the houseboat, its probably still sitting at the end of Grand Street.