I'll be blunt, holidays are hard. There's a particular expectation, a hope that they'll be warm and wonderful and Norman-Rockwell-esque with cats and friends and fires, but the truth is seldom that simple. I long ago gave up trying to appease everyone and generally (and selfishly) try to do something that involves little stress or major travel. This year was intended to be no different, and yet...somehow it was. Maybe 2009 just needed to get a last little punch in before being scuttled away. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad season, its was just a little crazy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For starters, it snowed on the pier. When was the last time it snowed in the city, let alone right next to the water? A full minute of snow followed by at least 5 minutes of hail. The next day there was a miniature ice-rink in front of our office. Aside from the need for scarves and gloves at my desk, it was actually pretty magical.
Paid a visit to these cats, who were pretty magical too.
This pug also figured into the holiday magic.
Threw ourselves a BYOC crab boil. Came in at thirteen and the last one was the meanest.
And the tastiest.
My sympathy lies with you good sirs, but decisions are hard.
Went to a holiday party at frenchy L'rascal's. He takes nice photos and knows lots of pretty girls.
Our own Spirit of the Sea(son). No messing around with this one unless you want a palm full of fish hooks.
Invited some friends over for Christmas Eve, which started out so lovely and mellow. Wine and cheer, card games and champagne.
Christmas ham.
Around 10 pm something happened. Wine turned to whiskey, card games to dance parties. I'm still not sure what did it. Maybe the sidewalk races? They seemed like a good idea at the time.
I always wanted to wake up under the Christmas tree. Be careful what you wish for.
Holiday morning hair of the dog.
The Governor smiling for Christmas.
Took off the following day to visit Derek and Lauren in Guerneville where they made us dinner, taught us Mah Jong and introduced us to the joys of Jazz on a Summer's Day.
Spent a couple hours poking around Guerneville, which turned up records, Joseph Conrad books and a wool sailor's jersey just my size.
Said goodbye to the cabin folks and headed towards Napa for more visiting.
Stopped off at Karnell's barn for a hello.
Then to the new abode of Grayson, Allie, Maisie and Moose.
Spent the next day picking up the pieces.
Went home for a day spend some time with this guy, then headed back up to Napa for New Years.
Alex and Evan pulled together an amazing 4-course dinner in an equally amazing poolhouse.
Frisee, poached egg and crab to start. So much wine to follow.
Dinner for 30, no small feat.
Everyone looking their best.
I have no idea how they cooked this, but somehow the midriff of a pig came out crispy on the outside and lovely on the inside. Unbelievably tasty and I'm not even big on swine.
Countdown to ecstasy.
Lounged around with the sturgeon the next day, but couldn't shake an overwhelming urge to commune with nature...climb a tree, jump in the ocean, do something refreshing and memorable. The first day of the year always feels like it should set a precedent and somehow this one came about sans hangover, giving me perhaps a little too much emotive energy in the face of everyone else. Franklin very thoughtfully catered to my whim and packed the car back up for a night of camping in the rain.
Got to China Camp after dark, lit a fire and had the place completely to ourselves. The moon was huge and packs of coyotes howled from all corners of our little valley. Pretty eerie, but two-thousand-ten is the year of not being afraid and after a minute or two the yaps and whines were actually really pretty to listen to. Still couldn't help getting a little anxious hiking around in the darkness, wondering what (mountain) lions, tigers or bears might be trailing along behind. These resolutions take time...
Woke in the night to the pattering of rain, but our fortress stayed warm and dry.
I love fire-toasted breakfasts.
Without any people around the deer had the run of the place. So many of them grazing around, wild turkeys too.
Took some port down to China Camp village and sat on the rocks, eating sandwiches and discussing new plans. Books to read, places to visit, things to do. Two-thousand-ten is the year of action.
Its nice to start off in a beautiful place.
Vagabond Christmas? Maybe not quite as I'd envisioned it, but it all worked out in the end. Got to spend time with some wonderful folks and drive along some lovely Highways (I do so like the whole tangle of the 116, the 121 and the 37) doing the sort of "visiting" that makes holiday time actually fun. As for this year? There's a resolution in there somewhere.