Went to meet The Kid at an A's game a couple Fridays ago. We figured it'd be kind of crazy since they were playing against the Angels, but I still wasn't prepared for the mass of people who turned out. The lesson? Get your tickets early and you won't get crammed in the back with a bunch of squealing teens, or if you do, at least you'll only have paid $9 for you seats instead of $25. Er. By the 4th inning we'd managed to switch a couple rows and downed a few beers and loosened up sufficiently to watch the A's beat the holy Jesus out of those kids from Los Angeles. No kidding, I don't think I've ever seen them play that well, it was amazing.
And then, just when it seemed like things couldn't get any better, they invited everyone down to sit on the field and watch fireworks. I must've had a perma-grin the entire time.
Don't know what it is about those lights, but everything looked wonderful and dream-like, like when you look at things while swimming through crystal clear water.
Shoes off, feet in the grass.
The whole thing was 80's themed, which could've been formulaic and awful but instead let us rock out to Pat Benatar and Guns N' Roses. I haven't seen fireworks like that in ages, I swear it was better than the 4th of July.
More, more, more? Looks like the next displays'll be on Saturday Aug. 30th and Friday Sept. 19th, but there's plenty of other promotions to keep us busy in between. Two dollar tickets and dollar dogs? Check it out.