5 days in Austin, Texas ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Got into town in the afternoon and realized immediately that northern California heat's got nothing on Texas. Swimming time stat.
The Siebens were lovely hosts and whisked us to a nearby pool.
Michael even brought out his old-timey bathing costume.
Warm nights and beers in other people's yards. Love those awesome 60's style ranch houses.
The Siebens even had a front lawn. Funny the things that incite jealousy after years of city living.
Took a ride out to The Salt Lick. Some damn fine barbecue in an awesome building out in the country.
I think this was about 10 a.m.
Lots of backyards and blue skies.
Spent many a day at Barton Springs. Its as if Dolores Park ended at a 900 ft spring-fed pool instead of Dolores Street. Total heaven for $3.
There's also "bargain creek" if you spent all your dough on beer.
Got invited to a pool party as well. So many cut-offs and long-haired beardies I kept expecting Duane Allman to show up. Except of course that he's dead.
Last call drinks at the Horseshoe after Underskatement. Never been anywhere before where you can bring in your own booze (if they don't sell liquor) and just order a "set up". I like it.
Got to do a lot of thrifting while we were there. Found some sweet shoes, more state plates and a denim life vest.
Super Macho, Texas style.
Is chicken not meat? How un-fresh does it have to be? So many questions.
Went to check out Okay Mountain, the gallery Michael runs with some other folks.
Its over in the pinata district.
One of these days...
Stumbled on a parking lot-sized carnival on the way home one night and naturally had to drop a couple twentys on crappy haunted houses and tilt-a-whirls.
Found out the hard way why it says that.
Got myself on one of those rides that just goes forward and backwards on a circular track. Seemed harmelss enough until the operator started asking real sassy-like if we "want some more" and then jeering as we went by. I think my about-to-vomit face only egged him on. Next time I'm sticking to rides where you control your own destiny (ie. bash into other people in little cars).
To my great dismay we never got to go drinking at the Broken Spoke. As a consolation we stopped for lunch on our way out of town. Delicious fried chicken but alas no line dancing.
So long Austin, until the next time.
Where to next? Seeing as this is only part 1 I guess there's a little more traveling to do. As far as Austin goes, there's a whole lot I left out (bars, tex-mex, table-top dance parties and in this particular instance about 30 San Franciscans). Somewhere in there we went for a movie at the Alamo Draft House which was so awesome and irritated me once again that San Francisco's one of the last "arty" cities not to have a theater where you can order a pizza and bottle of wine with your movie. Suffice to say the Austin's pretty awesome and if you didn't have to drive everywhere it'd get top 5 "I could actually live there" status for sure (swimming holes get me every time). Plus, I never got a less than stellar bloody mary anywhere.