On the way north from the airport on our first day we'd passed by this huge and amazing abandoned hotel and agreed we needed to get back there to explore. A few days later we did just that, but not before I'd read up a bit and figured out that it was the Coco Palms Resort made famous by Elvis in the movie Blue Hawaii.
Parked the car across the street and found ourselves in front of another, much smaller abandoned building which we naturally took a peek in.
I love it when places are abandoned in the tropics and the snaking greens start taking over. Maybe someday I'll sort through all those pictures of Panama City.
Took a look at the waning sun and booked it across the street.
Snuck through a hole in the fence and had the place to ourselves--- at least we hoped. It was so big and empty Jesse and I got majorly creeped out at times, especially walking through the dark and carpeted hallways.
So beautiful though, with palms everywhere and plants growing up through the lobby.
The amazing thing was how much was left just sitting there, as if it closed one morning and everyone just walked away, which actually isn't far from the truth.
I kept expecting a leopard to jog across one of the bamboo-riddled paths. Lovely and eerie in the fading light, but not somewhere I'd like to be caught after dark.
Left the darkened Palms behind and went for cheap and delicious noodles at Hamura Saimin.
Spent one of the cooler days wandering around and ended up down at Quarry Beach.
I like to imagine this guy floated all the way over from Japan.
I think my favorite venture was a hike along the Na Pali coast and inland to Hanakapi Falls. The whole trip was about 8 miles, with just enough difficult uphills to make everything else feel like a reward.
I can't even describe how lush and green it was. Just a thin little trail and plants everywhere.
Waterfalls are just so pretty.
Hiked back out and made it to the beach with sunlight aplenty. I wonder if the lifeguards stay busy.
Went for a dip while we waited for Jesse and Evs to hobble their way back down the mountain. I know, I know, some friends we are.
Spent our last full day catching up on a few things we'd meant to do earlier, like a drive up into Waimea Canyon and a chance to not feed the hippies.
From the end of the road you can look right out at the Na Pali coast.
And the island's version of the Grand Canyon.
Back down the hill and another stop at what may be the friendliest liquor store ever. The next day it was an early rise to catch our flight and back to the mainland for all of us.
Kauai? Thumbs up.