Just in case anyone was worried about what might have become of Mr.T a full report is enclosed herewith:
Said Mouse now resides in a rather large glass condo complete with trundle bed, sawdust floor and an ecclectic smattering of "art". He appears to have grown fractionally larger and has likely entered teenhood, snubbing the playful hand of his father in favor of what we hope isn't an unhealthy obsession with running in his wheel. He remains fairly nocturnal, running the squeeky wheel from about 5 pm until well into morning, then burrowing into his den and napping the rest of the day. A few days were spent in what we've termed his "jumping phase" which consisted primarily of his climbing on top of something in his house and then jumping off, usually into the glass wall. It was during this period that his last escape attempt was made, whereby he may or may not have jumped clear of his wall, only to get disillusioned with the outside world and return home 10 hours later.
These days he seems content to explore the rest of the house in his stylish plastic ball, often under the watchful eyes of his older brother the Chairman (glamour shot courtesy of Mr. Koperski). Rags to riches, Darlings, its a classic.
Our mouse? Is a very, very, very fine mouse (and we're still alive to write about him!). Of course, what variety of mouse he actually is has yet to be determined.